
Grammar: Commas

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As kids' mobility improves, so does their ability to investigate where they couldn't before. Once again, take a look around your home from a kid's vantage point and update childproofing measures to keep up with your child's advancing skills. How Is My Child Moving? Though some babies take their first steps around their first birthdays, most learn to walk well in the months after they turn 1. Kids who are learning to walk are called toddlers because that's exactly what they do — they toddle, keeping their legs wide apart and seeming to hesitate between each step, jerking from side to side as they move one foot forward, then the next. About 6 months after taking their first steps, toddlers develop a more mature gait, holding their hands at their sides rather than out in front for balance and moving with their feet closer together. They also tend to move their feet in a way that looks more like walking — moving from the heel to the toe. During these months of practice, most toddlers take a few spillsbut this is part of learning to walk.

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A comma is a punctuation mark so as to can be used in many altered ways. Mainly, it's used to branch out things—for instance, two thoughts in a sentence, multiple adjectives, or items all the rage a list. There are many rules that tell us how commas should be used, but don't let it scare you. With a little custom, it'll start to feel like agree with nature. Some rules are set all the rage stone. They work the same approach every time, so you don't allow to think about them too a good deal. Other rules are more complicated. All the rage these cases, you have to absorb the meaning of the sentence en route for know when and where to abuse the comma.

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