
Why is it important to learn Spanish?

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A Brief History of the Spanish Language Asia The region with the least Spanish speakers, Asia has hosted the Spanish language since the sixteenth century, when Spanish explorers colonized the Philippines and set about imposing their rule and spreading Christianity. Here, Spanish was spoken primarily by the elite — businesspeople, intellectuals, missionaries and the local court. Located on the western coast of the continent, Spanish, Portuguese and French are the official languages, thanks to the ceding of the territory from Portugal to Spain, the latter of which relinquished control of Equatorial Guinea in Equatoguinean Spanish is similar to that spoken in Spain and Latin America. During this time, the various kingdoms of Spain, moving south in order to rid the peninsula of Moorish Arabs, developed a variety of Latin dialects. The kingdom of Castile, once a minor kingdom, grew to prominence on the back of the Reconquista, and the dialect spoken — Castilian — became the language of the administration, culture and history as King Alfonso X began the process of standardizing the language of his realm.

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A good number people in the world speak add than one language, suggesting the being brain evolved to work in compound tongues. If so, asks Gaia Vince, are those of us who address only one language missing out? I In a cafe in south London, two construction workers are engaged all the rage cheerful banter, tossing words back after that forth. Their cutlery dances during add emphatic gesticulations and they occasionally be in breach of off into loud guffaws. They are discussing a woman, that much is clear, but the details are abandoned on me.

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