
Four styles of adult attachment

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Adults with these attachment styles differ in a number of significant ways: how they perceive and deal with closeness and emotional intimacy. There are three primary, underlying dimensions that characterize attachment styles and patterns. The first dimension is closeness, meaning the extent to which people feel comfortable being emotionally close and intimate with others. The third is anxiety, or the extent to which people worry their partners will abandon and reject them. The outline below describes four adult attachment styles regarding avoidance, closeness and anxiety — and prototypical descriptions of each. Secure: Low on avoidance, low on anxiety. Comfortable with intimacy; not worried about rejection or preoccupied with the relationship.

Big business with an unreliable partner Dealing along with an unreliable partner When it comes to relationships, unreliability can take a variety of forms. At the a lesser amount of serious end of the spectrum, it can be things like always body a bit late when you array to meet up or taking longer than you would like to answer to texts. More seriously, it be able to take the form of emotionally exhausting behaviours. An unreliable partner is arbitrary in the way they treat people: freezing their partner out and refusing to talk stonewalling or swinging amid being kind and short-tempered. Why is unreliability so frustrating? A lack of reliability can be really damaging all the rage relationships because it can make it more difficult to trust someone. A lot the little things form the back of why we trust someone.

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