
7 Foreplay Tips To Drive Him Wild

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We may earn money from the links on this page. You knew that one already. By Redbook and additional reporting by Judy Dutton Jan 20, Getty Images Obviously, you know how to make your partner feel good in the bedroom. The good news is, you have what you need already. Apply a naughty nibble, a barely-there brush of the, lips or a tantalizing tongue wiggle to the right area of his body and he'll hit the ceiling, thinking, Wow, how'd she do that? Try out these sexy mouth moves to give your guy an insane time in the bedroom. And if he's worth his salt, he'll use his mouth on you, too. Getty Images 1. Pay Attention to His Ears …But no need to go crazy.

After that whether those little actions lead en route for a night of steamy sex before a romantic cuddle session, he's absolutely to have a smile on his face at the end of the night. Want to see these at ease actions that'll ensure you're the best of his dreams every night? Adhere to reading to see them all, after that give them a try one as a result of one! If you are nighttime cuddlers, pulling his body in closer before wiggling your body into his is the perfect little request for awareness. As a couple, this shows your comfort level and it lets him know you trust him as your protector. Even if this closeness doesn't lead to anything sexual, it's a solid way to bond and add to intimacy in your relationship.

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