
Why Is It So Sexy When a Woman Smokes a Cigar?

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Thanks to a recent study, this is now scientifically verifiable. The research it refers to is a study published earlier this year, which suggested so as to some men smoke and drink as this makes them more attractive immediate partners. One way to investigate the issue is to present women along with hypothetical men with different personality types and see which ones they choose. In one such study , participants had to help a fictional appeal named Susan choose a date as of three male contestants, based on their answers to her questions.

Absolutely, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, but not when a actual kind of man is holding individual. According to certain longstanding stereotypes, so as to man is probably some sort of power-lunching investment banker or executive. Ago inentrepreneur and author Tomima Edmark told Cigar Aficionado about the time her penchant for smoking cigars with businessmen in hotel lobbies caught the awareness of a hopeful suitor. Images of attractive women with cigars date ago to at least the s after that feature the likes of early Hollywood starlets like Pola Negri and Marlene Dietrich, both sex symbols thought of as headstrong, enigmatic femmes fatales of their time. But while the eyebrow-raising sex appeal of a lady along with a cigar may be rooted all the rage antiquated notions of distinctly male after that female space, the trope is not without more recent examples.

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