
Ask A Guy: How Do I Know If a Guy is Just Looking for Sex or Wants a Relationship?

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I will never forget flying home to Canada for Christmas, December I was so excited to share the news with my family. Was I crazy? We just met, but it was a feeling from that first date, it was definitely meant to be. In October I finally ended things with my ex. I had tried to keep our dysfunctional relationship going for years longer than it should have. We met in early He was a German guy living in Canada but he going to be heading back to Germany in a few months.

Around are some questions about men so as to only a guy can answer. We asked the dudes at guyspeak. Q: How do I know if a guy wants me for a buddy or potential partner? Guys are all the time thinking about sex, so what accomplish I look for before I acquire intimate with a guy? I assume if you spend enough time along with him, his motives will become clear.

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