
Sweet Things to Say to Your Girl

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You may not know what to say to your girlfriend, especially if you're more of a showing instead of telling kind of guy. But while words may not always come easy for you, taking the time to verbalize to your significant other just how much she means to you can be very beneficial to your relationship. That means that, for a lot of people, appreciation and love are best affirmed through words. And really, even if your girlfriend's primary love language is one of the other four, she still probably likes to hear that you care about her. So if you're looking for some cute lines to say to your girlfriend, read on. These statements are guaranteed to make her smile. I can't wait to make more memories with you. You make me so happy just by being yourself.

Beloved friend, your birthday has come knocking on the door once again. After that my God, we will celebrate it like there are no more being to live. Let's make the finest of it. Dear friend, I am grateful to have a woman akin to you in my life.

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