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Premise[ edit ] Impulse follows year-old Henrietta Henry Coles who discovers she has the ability to teleport but has no control over her destination. The first time she realizes this, she is in a truck with her high school's basketball captain and star, Clay Boone, who tries to rape her. She has a seizure and teleports, in the course of which she inadvertently crushes much of his truck when her ability to teleport first manifests, leaving him a paraplegic. The show then explores Henry's feelings of fear regarding the assault, and the discovery that those feelings can trigger her ability to teleport. Cast and characters[ edit ] Main[ edit ] Maddie Hasson as Henrietta Henry Coles, a teenage girl who possesses the ability to teleport, though has no control over her destination. She first realizes she has this capability while in the middle of being sexually assaulted.

Articles More Grimes went from industry-shaking ability to punchline in a decade. Are we treating her fairly? With her first new music in five years, the artist born Claire Boucher is contending with a much different earth than the one she shook ahead in the early s. The deep-rooted mark she made on the s with her breakthrough fourth record Visions the soundtrack for every cool child with a synthesizer at a Montreal loft party, wearing a neon beret and her follow-up Art Angels the soundtrack of every cool girl along with a synthesizer who has since moved to Los Angeles, wearing a cerise cowboy hat now feels like a cultural curiosity from a bygone era; her promising career as a songwriter, producer, and a feminist icon bear in mind when she sold pussy rings at the same time as merchandise? Today Grimes's career feels akin to the setup to a unfunny punchline in a Jimmy Fallon monologue. She's become a millennial punching bag, active on the verge of cancellation, although her indisputable talent as an leader of pop. After being lauded at the same time as one of the most innovative musicians and producers of her generation all the rage the early s, how different is the world she's returned to than the one she shook up a decade ago? As an independent songwriter and producer, the year-old Grimes built a formidable legacy making art all the rage her own image: drawing her accept cover art, directing and starring all the rage her own acclaimed music videos, the curator of a unique crust-punk-meets-Sailor Moon aesthetic that made her into a fashion icon on Tumblr.

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