
13 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Went Vegan

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Home » How to » How to cook for vegetarians and meat-eaters without making two separate meals! Categories Gluten-freeHow toResourcesVegan. Are you a vegetarian, but the rest of your family eats meat? Or maybe you want to cook meat dishes, but one of your kids has decided to go veggie?

A good number of us who know vegetarians allow heard scary stories: A vegetarian by accident gets a bit of pepperoni arrange her pizza slice or her bisque contains chicken broth and she gets very ill. Do our bodies actually react so strongly to meat afterwards avoiding it for a while? Before is this just a vegetarian myth? But a vegetarian who decides en route for start a new life as a carnivore with a huge T-bone steak might risk an upset stomach.

Constant after I became vegetarian, I bowed this question over and over all the rage my mind. In the end, it took two full years before I completely cut out eggs, milk, cooking oil, and cheese. But when the age was finally right, there was denial question about it. I was about to to eat a plant-based diet.

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