
Hot and Cold: Extreme Temperature Safety

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NCBI Bookshelf. Hot environments induce efforts to stay cool. This chapter addresses the issue of how one's food intake is adjusted to compensate for environmental heat. Common knowledge suggests that people eat less when it is hot, and that they eat ''lighter'' and cooler foods. This impression is reinforced by a casual survey of newspaper and magazine suggestions for summer meal planning. As with most impressions derived from common knowledge, systematic evidence is needed to support these assertions.

Adjourn safe during hot-weather exercise by consumption enough fluids, wearing proper clothing after that timing your workout to avoid acute heat. Whether you're running, playing a pickup game of basketball or available for a power walk, take anxiety when the temperature rises. Exercising all the rage hot weather puts extra stress arrange your body. If you don't abide care when exercising in the ardour, you risk serious illness.

This might mean extremely rainy days before extremely dry days, and from the hottest daytime hours to the coldest nights. You can usually bundle ahead in more layers during colder months, and you can use fans before air conditioners in warmer months en route for maintain a healthy core temperature. All the rage some cases, you may find by hand in an environment with extreme temperatures. First, note that the temperature analysis on a thermometer is not automatically the temperature that you should be concerned about. High environmental temperatures be able to be dangerous to your body. You should limit your activities at this range. If someone loses consciousness after that shows one or more of the symptoms of heat exhaustion or ardour stroke, call right away. To act towards heat exhaustion, try to keep by hand cool with cold, damp cloths about your body and slowly take diminutive sips of water until the symptoms begin to fade. Try to acquire out of the heat.

NCBI Bookshelf. Michael N. Sawka, 1 C. Bruce Wenger, Andrew J. Young, after that Kent B. Humans often exercise actively in hot environments for reasons of recreation, vocation, and survival. The amount of physiological strain imposed by exercise-environmental stress depends on the individual's metabolic rate and capacity for heat altercation with the environment.

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