
Why Be Honest If Honesty Doesn’t Pay

Trustworthy female 37733

Dishonesty is a widespread and multifaceted phenomenon — every day, the news brings reports of corporate dishonesty generating millions of dollars of costs to society. Many ordinary people who consider themselves honest nevertheless sometimes cheat on taxes, steal from the workplace, illegally download music from the Internet, or use public transportation without paying the fare. The social cost of small-scale dishonesty is surprisingly large. In addition to direct pecuniary costs to businesses and governments, the prevalence of dishonesty can have a detrimental impact on the structure of economic exchange. While dishonesty is not associated exclusively with a single gender, several studies in economics and psychology have found that men are more likely than women to act dishonestly.

Absolute relationships give life significantly more purposeand in business, they translate to resources, advice and stability. Trust is by the heart of these connections. A trustworthy person will use roughly the same behavior and language in a few situation. They have the self-control en route for maintain character and follow through arrange what they say they'll do, constant when they are tempted to amble it back.

We bet on the rational case designed for trust. Through extensive interviews we hoped to find data that would aid their theories and thus, perhaps, advance higher standards of business behavior. En route for our surprise, our pet theories […]. To our surprise, our pet theories failed to stand up. Treachery, we found, can pay.

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