
The Most Attractive Female Body to Men : And Probably Everyone Else Too

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While you're busy obsessing about your stretch marks, or that 10 pounds you just can't seem to shed, men are usually way too busy admiring the rest of you to notice or care about that stuff. Below, a panel of real-life dudes elaborates on what they don't notice or care about — and what they do notice and love. If it comes up, I typically reassure her that she has the ability and drive to improve whatever's bothering her. But I also always tell her how beautiful I think she is no matter what kind of shape she's in. I truly feel that way — it isn't dependent on what a scale says. Any set from very small to large is great with me. Small boobs are great for certain reasons and big boobs are great for other reasons.

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The research clearly shows that whether before not people say they value animal attractiveness, they still base their actions on it. Most studies show equally men and women place a absolute deal of importance on physical allure. Some of our research comes as of a survey we conducted. Some of it might surprise you. Most ancestor guess incorrectly about quite a allocation of it. On that note, this article is long. This is called the reverse beer goggles effect, aka, Beauty is in the Eye of the Beer Holder. The placebo arrange also experienced the benefit.

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